Albert Agram

Deploying to Heroku

Heroku is great for rapid prototyping and testing ideas. All you have to do is git push heroku master right? Wonderful.

However, sometimes deploying can be somewhat daunting, with so many errors messages to deal with. Below is my own Heroku deployment checklist:


  1. Create an App on Heroku dashboard eg. boboobo and select appropriate region.

  2. Copy Git URL in this case and run git remote add heroku in the App directory.

  3. After making changes in local directory, stage files, commit and then deploy code via git push heroku master or git push heroku mod1:master (when deploying from branch mod1)

After generating migrations, do the following to avoid any nasty errors

  1. heroku run rake db:migrate

  2. heroku run rake db:reset and heroku run rake db:setup

  3. heroku restart

  4. Also do heroku logs -t and heroku run console to check server logs and db in console respectively.

After successfully deploying this app you'll end up with a nice url like